Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some destinations are moving away while others are approaching

It's Tuesday, and I feel like I've fallen out on to a warm pile. Thank you Cheif Shomakoh for a space to sprawl out. I'm already contemplating creative spaces. Anyone wanna share some studio space in China Town? I have some friends who have already done it, they got nice spot for 6 people at $200 a head. Sheeiiiiiit.

for now, this will have to do:


  1. yaaaay congrats!! good luck on the studio space... i'm renting out a really nice spot in culver city but can't find anybody who wants to split it. even on craigslist. I'm gonna have to move out in a couple months if i can't find anyone... sigh.....

  2. That song made me feel like I was in a warm pile... of laundry.

  3. Allie!!! How much? what's half?
    Umbra, yay.

  4. hey allie, i might be down next month? also, shannon, i am very enthusiastic about arranging a shomakoh work space...some combination of the two?? whats thirds?

  5. the spot is 450 if we split it in half, 300 three ways.... etc etc. its 500 sq ft and I have an awesome bean bag chair, and a mini-fridge with four beers in it! also totally month-to-month. pleeease haaaaalp.

  6. I've been looking at spots on the east side, China Town and Down Town both have Artwalks going for them, which means a monthly open studio and a lot of exposure.I'll keep you guys posted on my findings. I know its a trek from the west side, but with all the gallery closings in culver it seems like going east makes sense.
